The Trials of Turkey Day
Before I say anything else, I have to get this out of the way... I LOVE Grey's Anatomy. I'm a full-fledged addict. Pathetic, I know. It's soap operas for people who work during the day. I don't care. I love it. But Dr. Sheperd is supposed to pick Meredith, isn't he? Can't help it. I'm a dork.
Now- listen carefully- I am cooking two Thanksgiving Dinners. On the same day. Yes, you read that right. There will be two turkeys (my family are all carnivores), two gravies, two green bean casseroles, two pecan pies, two sweet potatoes with sugar, etc. Am I crazy, you ask. Why yes, yes I am. I'm sitting here blubbing my lips with my fingers in that characteristic crazy lady way right now. And I am sure to get kookier with every passing hour. I need to clean the entire house, or at least the downstairs, too. I'm not known for my housekeeping, but it is Thanksgiving after all so I should really try a little harder. See, my family wants dinner early and I'm the only one who's volunteered. No problem. But I had already insisted in making dinner for my husband's family in the evening. I'm a fool. And how could I possibly ask one of them to come at a different time? I'm a people pleaser, I couldn't. I'm also a control freak and I usually don't want anyone to help at all. Not this time, no way. I'm putting turkey #1 in the roaster oven I got for Christmas last year. (no control over that, if you open the lid, you lose most of the heat. big step for me.) I'm asking my mom, my sister and sister-in-law to bring a side dish. Normally I wouldn't let them, cause of the control thing, but this year I will. I got myself into the same pickle last year so I had "Thanksgiving Breakfast" instead of dinner. I liked it but no one showed up at the same time and they all complained about the lack of turkey. Wah. Oh well, this too shall pass, right? I can't wait for Friday morning. (And mom, if you're reading this, don't feel bad. I did it all to myself. I think I must like the pressure.)
So, if you haven't guessed, there's been no knitting. I did get my sock exchange yarn though. It's Lorna's Laces in denim from Jimmy Beans Wool. Now I have to decide on a design. I better get crackin'. It's only 25 days till they need to be mailed. Good thing I knit fast. It's the over pleasing that takes so long.
Gratuitous Kid Picture
Smile dammit!
(and light a candle for me at the shrine of the Gobbler Gods)
Now- listen carefully- I am cooking two Thanksgiving Dinners. On the same day. Yes, you read that right. There will be two turkeys (my family are all carnivores), two gravies, two green bean casseroles, two pecan pies, two sweet potatoes with sugar, etc. Am I crazy, you ask. Why yes, yes I am. I'm sitting here blubbing my lips with my fingers in that characteristic crazy lady way right now. And I am sure to get kookier with every passing hour. I need to clean the entire house, or at least the downstairs, too. I'm not known for my housekeeping, but it is Thanksgiving after all so I should really try a little harder. See, my family wants dinner early and I'm the only one who's volunteered. No problem. But I had already insisted in making dinner for my husband's family in the evening. I'm a fool. And how could I possibly ask one of them to come at a different time? I'm a people pleaser, I couldn't. I'm also a control freak and I usually don't want anyone to help at all. Not this time, no way. I'm putting turkey #1 in the roaster oven I got for Christmas last year. (no control over that, if you open the lid, you lose most of the heat. big step for me.) I'm asking my mom, my sister and sister-in-law to bring a side dish. Normally I wouldn't let them, cause of the control thing, but this year I will. I got myself into the same pickle last year so I had "Thanksgiving Breakfast" instead of dinner. I liked it but no one showed up at the same time and they all complained about the lack of turkey. Wah. Oh well, this too shall pass, right? I can't wait for Friday morning. (And mom, if you're reading this, don't feel bad. I did it all to myself. I think I must like the pressure.)
So, if you haven't guessed, there's been no knitting. I did get my sock exchange yarn though. It's Lorna's Laces in denim from Jimmy Beans Wool. Now I have to decide on a design. I better get crackin'. It's only 25 days till they need to be mailed. Good thing I knit fast. It's the over pleasing that takes so long.

Gratuitous Kid Picture
Smile dammit!
(and light a candle for me at the shrine of the Gobbler Gods)
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