Three Hats & a Baby(doll)

I'm done with the hats! But that's not the biggest news! Abbey has officially finished her first project! It only took 4 months and a lot of help from Mommy, but she now has a pink hat for her baby to wear. She was so proud of herself! (Can't ya tell?) And she is modeling the new hat I made for her. It's made out of Paintbox by Knit One, Crochet Too in a pink and blue colorway. (Those are her two favorite colors right now. Before it was pink, pink, pink, but then we got the Cinderella DVD and blue worked it's way in there.) The yarn reminds a lot of Noro Kureyon but with less vegetable matter, and it's much easier to find around here. For some reason it takes the local shops around here months to get Kureyon in and they sell out almost instantly. The price is the same and so's the yardage. The only thing I didn't like was that it didn't seem to change colors as frequently, but it could have just been that colorway. The third hat that's done is the Chemo cap for my friend. I don't have any pictures, so use your imagination. Ha ha! I'll try to get a pic later. Heck, I might even model it. That'd be amazing, huh?
I also have some other gratuitous kid pictures to share, so here it goes.

This is Abbey and her best friend Mackenzie. Abbey is a pretty pink princess and Kenzie is a Diva. Halloween, what fun. (And by the way, I made Abbey's dress. Pat, pat myself on the back.)

And this is Aidan and his buddy
Brendan. I've given up on trying to make Aidan's costumes because all he wants is SuperHero stuff. Two years ago it was Spiderman, last year it was Batman and this year the Red Power Ranger. (Another BTW, apparently every kid wants to be the red power ranger because that one costs more than any other color! I kept saying, "Are you sure you don't want to blue? Or white?". Nope, it was red all the way. And, of course, he HAD to have muscles.) I'm so glad the kids are still at the age where they get tired before I do. An hour and they're pooped. Yay for mom! But they still got so much candy that we still have a ton left. I tried letting them eat it all the first few days to get it over with, but it was too much. It will probably get thrown out because I think they've forgotten about it. They haven't asked for it in a few days so maybe we're in the clear.
Other fall adventures included the Yellow Springs street fair where we saw these guys...

And lots of other interesting things
including a vendor selling marionettes. Yeah, I'm a sucker. Aidan got a purple dinosaur and Abbey got a black pony. And yes they have been tangled up many times. But the kids love them and they come apart pretty easy so I can untangle them. And check out the pink sweater that Abbey is wearing. I made it! It's a pattern from Debbie Bliss and it's knitted from her Cashmerino Aran. It's super soft and yummy and makes me want one for myself. But it did take 8 balls to make this tiny one and, at $8 a ball, I don't see it in my future anytime soon. Oh, but one can dream.
Well, the evil side of Aidan has made an appearance this morning so I must go exorcise the demons.
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