Bad Blogger
I'm a baaad blogger! I sit here and grumble when the blogs I read are not updated on a daily basis, and then turn around and not post for a week. Shame, shame, shame. I'll try to be less judging of the time it takes for others to blog, especially when I'm the worst offender!
So, what have I been doing in place of blogging? Travelling? No. Working? A little. Housework? Definitely no. Knitting? Not as much as I'd like. Being lazy? BINGO!!! It's not like I haven't been on the computer. (Note the reference to others not blogging above.) I just haven't felt like thinking. I haven't even answered my e-mail in over a week. Sometimes it's nice to shut down for a little bit. Ya'know?

Well, to appease the blogging gods, here are some pictures. This is the yarn that I spun up about two weeks ago. It was my first attempt at navajo plying, and I think I knida like it. It's for sure not my most even yarn, but pretty all the same. It's also not the softest, but it was agood experiment. The navajo ply gives you alot more depth in texture and the color of this is very soothing. It's some border leceister(sp?) that I got off e-bay a while back. I saw they had some more lots of it listed. I might have to get a bit more. I haven't quite figure out the yarn ounce to roving ounce ratio yet. I know it depends on how you spin it, but there was 4 ounces of roving when I started, which, logically, would yield about 4 ounces of yarn. But I only got 78 yards of yarn. It doesn't make sense, since a 4 ounce ball of yarn would be quite a bit. Or maybe not. I've always had trouble converting weight measurements. Also, maybe you can't look at it that way until you're more consistent and all. I'm still pretty ignorant about the whole spinning thing.
I have also been knitting socks out of the million dollar sock yarn. It is yummy, yum, yum. Does every knitter have a sock going as a back up project? I have socks, socks , and more socks that need to have a mate or a kitchener to make them whole. The perfect project for my knitter's ADD. Plus it fits in my new GI-normous purse. I made sure before I bought it.
We had a great time in Georgia, although hardly enough. I think my kids are well on their way to accomplishing their goal of using every public restroom in America! I'm not kidding. They've never actually told me this is what they are doing, but it's obvious to me. Every store, restaraunt, etc. that we go to, they have to potty. Even if they just pottied at the last one ten minutes ago. We have seen many a bathroom. But the store that really gets 'em going is Lowe's. Don't ask me. All I know is that anytime we go to Lowe's, it's not 5 minutes before someboy's gotta potty.

Here they are at Smoky Mountain National Park, right after Aidan had to use the potty at the information office. This was probably one of the only eight times they got along on the whole trip, with 6 of the other times being when they were asleep. They have started the whole, "she's touching me", "he's copying me", "she's sticking her tongue out at me" routine. Aw, the joys of parenting.
Well, now I'm late for work. I'm a bad employee...but at least I'm no longer a bad blogger.
So, what have I been doing in place of blogging? Travelling? No. Working? A little. Housework? Definitely no. Knitting? Not as much as I'd like. Being lazy? BINGO!!! It's not like I haven't been on the computer. (Note the reference to others not blogging above.) I just haven't felt like thinking. I haven't even answered my e-mail in over a week. Sometimes it's nice to shut down for a little bit. Ya'know?

Well, to appease the blogging gods, here are some pictures. This is the yarn that I spun up about two weeks ago. It was my first attempt at navajo plying, and I think I knida like it. It's for sure not my most even yarn, but pretty all the same. It's also not the softest, but it was agood experiment. The navajo ply gives you alot more depth in texture and the color of this is very soothing. It's some border leceister(sp?) that I got off e-bay a while back. I saw they had some more lots of it listed. I might have to get a bit more. I haven't quite figure out the yarn ounce to roving ounce ratio yet. I know it depends on how you spin it, but there was 4 ounces of roving when I started, which, logically, would yield about 4 ounces of yarn. But I only got 78 yards of yarn. It doesn't make sense, since a 4 ounce ball of yarn would be quite a bit. Or maybe not. I've always had trouble converting weight measurements. Also, maybe you can't look at it that way until you're more consistent and all. I'm still pretty ignorant about the whole spinning thing.
I have also been knitting socks out of the million dollar sock yarn. It is yummy, yum, yum. Does every knitter have a sock going as a back up project? I have socks, socks , and more socks that need to have a mate or a kitchener to make them whole. The perfect project for my knitter's ADD. Plus it fits in my new GI-normous purse. I made sure before I bought it.
We had a great time in Georgia, although hardly enough. I think my kids are well on their way to accomplishing their goal of using every public restroom in America! I'm not kidding. They've never actually told me this is what they are doing, but it's obvious to me. Every store, restaraunt, etc. that we go to, they have to potty. Even if they just pottied at the last one ten minutes ago. We have seen many a bathroom. But the store that really gets 'em going is Lowe's. Don't ask me. All I know is that anytime we go to Lowe's, it's not 5 minutes before someboy's gotta potty.

Here they are at Smoky Mountain National Park, right after Aidan had to use the potty at the information office. This was probably one of the only eight times they got along on the whole trip, with 6 of the other times being when they were asleep. They have started the whole, "she's touching me", "he's copying me", "she's sticking her tongue out at me" routine. Aw, the joys of parenting.
Well, now I'm late for work. I'm a bad employee...but at least I'm no longer a bad blogger.
First time to your blog. Found you with blogspot search. Love your blog!
I am having much trouble getting photos to work on blogspot the last 24 hours. Have you? I can never get through to them to ask if its just me......
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