Friday, September 09, 2005

Extra, Extra

The new Knitty is here! Lots of cool stuff, like I need more ideas for projects. And Miss Insubordiknit got published! I'm so happy for her, especially since she's working on getting the yarn shop up and running. Hopefully it will bring in some business.

I have been happily knitting on the neverending baby blanket. I think the end is actually in sight. Ihave less than 100 stitches left on my needle. Yippeee! I also got a super cool book about spinning from my LYS. She is getting ready to move to different location at the end of the month and she will be carrying wheels and having classes. Yeah! I'm so excited to have a resource around here. I also fondled as much of the yarn as I could without looking like a total perve, overall much fun was had. Tonight, since The Man is at work, I'm going to cast on for a vest for Abbey out of my very own homespun. I hope it works out well, I can hardly stand the suspense. (Okay, a bit of an exageration since I've been thinking about it for maybe a month now.)

I tried spinning some more last night, but the darn roving didn't want to hang onto itself. I think I took too much of a break. I was cruising along really well but I got sidetracked with baby stuff, and now it's like I lost my rhythym. Well, hopefully it will all come back. I've got alittle bit of singles ready to ply so I'm gonna do that tonight. Maybe that will trigger the memory of what to do.

Or maybe I'll just sleep.


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