Sunday, September 04, 2005

WARNING...Not much knittin' round here

Sooo... I can't help but comment on the status of certain issues today. First, I second Jacey with a big ol' FUCK about Rehnquist. I can't believe that everybody's favorite pinhead gets to fill TWO spots on the one branch of government that actually reads the constitution. I'm worried about women's rights, I'm worried about gay rights, I'm worried about minority right, I'm worried about the rights of everyone in America! AAARGH!

And number two, right on Kanye West! Did anyone else get to hear "George Bush doesn't care about black people"? And I just know Chris Tucker wanted sooo badly to add his two cents, you could see it on his face! I think it is appalling the amount of time it took to work through the bureaucracies in this country just to get people in need some help. There were national guard units ready to deploy on SUNDAY, but they couldn't go anywhere until someone asked for them! Hello, like we couldn't see that they were needed? Not only that, but in order for guard units to go out their home state, they have to get permission from Washington! They couldn't have expedited this formality???? What the fuck is the matter with this country? And how about this little tidbit? I'm at my wit's end.

And, one more thing, about the whole gas price. First, maybe all of these natural disasters are Mother Earth's way of spanking her naughty children. You can only run around making a mess of the place for so long before she gets fed up and lashes out. Maybe, we should heed the warnings and clean up our acts. Yeah, gas is expensive, but maybe it will encourage all of us to USE LESS! My generation has been very fortunate that we have all that we want, hell, more than we want. No rationing here, it's all about waste and overuse. Hey, I'm guilty too. But I think we all need to stop and get a reality check. So you can't fill up your Hummer for under $100, so what. Serves you right for getting a vehicle so monstrous anyways. Let's all be thankful for what we have and not play "what if". Let's all do what we can to help, even if it means walking to the grocery, video store, etc.

Okay, rant's over.

But, I just gotta say, "refugee" means one seeking refuge. That includes Americans.


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