Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Have you noticed the new look? I'm not so sure that I like this one all that much, but we'll try it out for awhile. It's kinda like trying on outfits, or yarn, sometimes you go through a few before you find the one you like.

Knitting news- I'm blocked on the baby cardi I'm making for Katie. I am not a fan of garter stitch, hours and hours of garter stitch. I need to get the lead out, or it will turn into the sweater that never was for her big brother, Nick. That was why I started to knit. Well, maybe I should say when, but not exactly why. I am a fiber freak. I love fabric, and I love yarn. I was to the point that I was buying yarn just so I could have it. It was outta control! I decided if I was going to have it, I needed to know how to do something with it. I tried to crochet. Blech!! I was terrible at it. My tension was horrid and I ended up with a big loose pile of yarn. The only stitch I was any good at was the afghan stitch- which, basically, is knitting- so I decided to take a stab at knitting. I bought a "Learn to Knit" kit with Cotton-Ease and a baby hat pattern and I was hooked. My first ambitious project, after the baby hat that never got finished, was a sweater for Nick. I got it all together, put the ribbing on, everything. But no one had told me to bind of in rib, so my edges were all nasty looking. I am too neurotic to give someone a gift that is not up to my par, so it sits in a bag with all my other crafty stuff, hoping to someday be frogged and re-worked . I did make him a really cute hat with some fun yarn poking out the top, but the sweater fell by the wayside. He's a baby, he'll never know. (I tell myself, as I my mother reminds me of "all those projects you never finish". Hey, I'm getting better.) So today I am going to march my little butt downstairs and finish Katie's sweater! I swear.

Later Tater!

Note to my husband- quit buying donuts!!!


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