We have no bananas...

...because I used them to make banana bread. I got the recipe here, with a few modifications. It called for 2 1/4 cups bananas, but I only had 3 bananas, which equals 1 cup. I added unsweetened applesauce to make up for it. YUM! Hey, I never realized how fun it is to type bananas. Bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas- I'm going. Try it, you will too.
Also, I crashed my yarn diet. Yeah, that lasted all of 30 seconds.

Officially, I could make the Christmas excuse, since everything is for gifts, but I won't go there. I have no self-control. I admit it! The only reason I make it as a vegetarian is because cake counts as vegetarian! That, and the image of all those poor little chickens flopping over because their breasts have been engineered to be so big that they can't even hold themselves upright*! And the cows, all 'roided out and all. I bet the have acne like you can't believe, and tempers to boot.
* I have a theory that avian flu is really just the chickens and the turkeys getting back at us for making them that way. All I can picture is them flopping over on their tiny little heads and plotting their revenge on the humans. Attack of the large-breasted poultry!!!
Yes, I did buy a book about scarves. I never thought I would. I mean, who needs a book to show you how to knit 20 million inches of garter stitch, seed stitch, etc. Not me. Then I looked at this one. It has some really great scarves and wraps. I'm going to knit the cable scarf, and the backyard leaves scarf, and Ene's scarf, and a few others too. Plus I had a coupon for 40% off at JoAnn's. They certainly do come in handy.

I am still knitting on my wrap, but progress has slowed. I had to knit up a baby sweater, which I'm 80% done with. And I've been sewing, too. As I mentioned before, my sister-in-law went into labor on Friday morning, and by Friday evening, we had a niece. Her name is Katie, and I haven't gotten to see her yet. I hope to see her tomorrow or Monday, and I also hope to have my goodies for her done. We'll see.
I'm being paiged by Aidan to "cover me!" What is it with 5 1/2 year old boys and turning everything they can into poop? He won't sing the normal lyrics to songs, like "Twinkle, Twinkle", instead it's "Poopy-poopy little poop". Boys.
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