Oh where oh where

This is my adorable little puppy when we first got her in February. Wasn't she the cutest thing? She's still cute, but not quite so tiny. Her name is Jesse. Well, this morning when I went to put her in her bed, I couldn't find her. I called and called and called, but no Jesse. I then noticed the front door was ajar and my three year old was in the living room (Abbey). I was sure Abbey had let the dog outside. It would not be unusual. She's allowed to let the dog in and out, but always via the back door. I was upset. I hollered, although not too badly. My family came over and we searched. I had to go to work, so the search was called off. I was heart-broken. When my husband came home for lunch, he called to ask about the dog and I told the story of her disappearance. Okay, he said, we'll find her. About 20 minutes later, he called to say he had found the dog. Oh thank goodness!!!! Where was she? Stuck under our bed. Yep, stuck under our bed. Some kid had decided she needed a fort, so he (I'm relatively sure it was Aidan, since he is the resident fort builder) stacked pillows all around the bed and coaxed the dog under it. Now, I'm not saying my dog is dumb, but push on the stinking pillows and they will fall over! In all fairness though, she is getting a bit too big to go under the bed without getting stuck anyways. Well, at least she is okay. I'm sorry my family spent 2 hours calling and hunting her. Ugh. Maybe she learned to stay out of there. And the kids definitely learned not to put her out front because she might run away. Lessons learned.
And my sister-in-law went into labor this morning. Soon we will have a niece. Yay!
Later! Steff
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