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Well, I can't complain too much about my job beacause it is not terribly bad. I get to do what I want most of the time in between customers and I make decent money. I sell sewing machines and summer is pretty darn slow. Usually I can get quite a bit knitting done this time of year, but apparently it bugs my boss. I would be okay with that, but she's allowed to do it!! So, in order to throw trouble into my pot o'plans, she makes up crazy things for me to do when she's not around. See, I work at a couple of different locations and when I'm at the one that is her home base, she always wants me to do the grunt work- paperwork, samples, etc. (Today she told machines needed lightbulbs when they were all glowing brightly!) Again, this would be fine if she was actually doing the true "manager" thing, but the only thing she does managerial is make the schedule. Sorry, had to let that out. At least she's not aware of the blog- yet. Oh well, maybe it would give me an excuse to quit being a slave to the retail :p crap that I hate.

That was an awfully vague and long rambling to explain why there's not a lot of new knitting. Of course, I shouldn't blame it only on that. I got stuck on the shaping for my too big tank top and had to frog it a little bit. Plus I haven't come to terms with the whole arm p
roblem on my cardi. So what's a girl to do? Buy more yarn and start a new project naturally. Come on now, you know you've all done it before! I went to my local yarn shop (Yarnsmith's) and she had the cutest kits. It came with these patterns, all the yarn you need and stuffing. I'm getting a new niece in August and I just couldn't resist. The fluffy little ball is actually the belly of the bunny. I'm using Alpaca held together with a fluffy, furry yarn called Whisper. I think I will have enough left to make a bear, too. I've used one ball of the alpaca and I only have one arm left to do. The yarn for the sweaters is actually handpainted sock yarn. I love this sock yarn. It is superwash and beautiful. She gets her handpainted yarns from Danette Taylor and I love them. Okay, enough with the gushing.
I have also been spinning! This is a big deal for me because I got my wheel for Christmas and this is the first I've done! I couldn't get the idea from the tiny little picture they sent with my wheel, plus the ro
ving they sent me was awful. It was all sticky and smelled a lot like lanolin. I ordered some roving off e-bay and my other yarn lady helped me get the motion down. This is my fourth try and it is actually pretty even. I was starting to get worried because I told my hubby I wanted this thing, and he, being good to me, bought it and I thought I was never going to get it. Plus I was getting fustrated and I thought I actually hated it. What a fool I was. It's great once you get the feel. I still keep wanting to make it too thick, but I'm getting better. I just keep telling myself, ply it baby. We'll see. I've ordered some more roving. Now I just need the nerve to knit it up!! Yep, I'm a wimp.
Well, kid number 1 is asleep, but that onery kid number 2 just won't stop sneaking in here to give me kisses. Guess it's time for lights out.
C-ya! ;)

That was an awfully vague and long rambling to explain why there's not a lot of new knitting. Of course, I shouldn't blame it only on that. I got stuck on the shaping for my too big tank top and had to frog it a little bit. Plus I haven't come to terms with the whole arm p

I have also been spinning! This is a big deal for me because I got my wheel for Christmas and this is the first I've done! I couldn't get the idea from the tiny little picture they sent with my wheel, plus the ro

Well, kid number 1 is asleep, but that onery kid number 2 just won't stop sneaking in here to give me kisses. Guess it's time for lights out.
C-ya! ;)
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