I have YARN!!

Yeah!!! I'm so excited. I have yarn. Yarn, yarn, I made it. I made yarn that looks like yarn. Yarn that looks like yarn I would want to knit with! I can't believe I did it. The whole niddy noddy, wet, set, dry thing worked. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!!!

Here's another look, up close......
All right that was a lot of self-congratulatory hooting and hollering, but I couldn't help myself. So, in interest of keeping my knit karma in balance, I present you with these-
The Ugliest Socks Ever To Be Seen...

Yes, they are ugly, aren't they? Well, they are worsted weight, problem one. Not any socks that could be worn in any shoes, strictly around the house type of thing. I did like the way they were knit though. I got the pattern from about.com. They actually have quite a few free patterns for all different things. I'm thinking about trying to adjust the pattern for sock weight yarn. Also, they are little elfin sized socks, problem two. They look all deformed and stuff. But, and this is the important part, they fit the recipient. All but the cuff, which I mentioned prviously. Well, I have started my second pair of ugly socks, but I don't think they will ever match the ugliness of the first. We shall see.
I also started the Friday Harbour sock pattern from Nancy Bush's "Knitting on the Road" book. It was pretty enjoyable, until I read the directions. Remember, I have a problem with that. Damn! One of these days I will learn my lesson. Until then, it's of to tink-land. Actually, I think the frogs would be better for this one. I can never tink back in a sock for mor than a row or two. By the way, you should really check out Felicia's version. Not only is her knitting awesome, but her pictures are beautiful. I am definitely having blog envy.
Well, time to go stuff my pie hole with something yummy. NOT ginger sesame tofu2go snacks. Not good. Not good at all.
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