Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Adventures in School Shopping

So I'm about to be the mom of a kindergartener. Wow! It's hard to believe he's that old already. Makes me feel old. Well, I don't feel old, but I feel old. Time to get pierced or something. Or maybe just take my man out and liquor him up for a fun night to remind us of those days in the frontseat of his Datsun. Ah, the memories.

Anyways, school supplies... I went online to the school's website to get a copy of his supply list, like a good mommy. Man! He needed 4 packages of crayons, 3 sets of markers, 3 bottles of glue, 3 watercolor paint sets, 8 glue sticks, and multiples of much else. I've only got one kid in this class, why does he need so many of everything? It must be because we live in a broke-ass school district with people that just keep whining about how they can't afford any more taxes. "Oh, I don't have kids in school, what do I care?" Don't you care about property values? Don't you realize this is the "community" it takes to raise a child? Who paid, or will pay, for your kids? Don't get me wrong, I know it's not entirley your stingy ass that has caused this problem, and I really don't mind buying all those school supplies, I just can't stand to see the ignorance of people. My own grandma is one of those "my kids are all done with school" people and it drives me batty. Because our levy failed, our district is now in fiscal emergency and the state has sent an oversite committee. Yeah, that's gonna fix the problem. What, no levy? Let's cut busing. Let's tear down the building that housed all of the special needs kids in one place so the poor speech pathologist and physical therapist (there's only one of each for the entire district) have to run all over town and ultimately have less time with the kids. But don't cut sports! Keep those extra-curriculars! God knows we wouldn't want those kids at home any more than they have to be. Then they might be making sex tapes with 12, 15 & 17 year olds- a story for another time. Ugh, I'm just a fustrated parent that honestly doesn't know what to do. Sometimes it makes me actually consider private school, even though it almost makes my skin crawl at the thought of my poor innocent children being brainwashed by the religion-mongers that are our private schools around here. (Not that public schools here are much different. We "pledged allegience, under God", had prayers at graduation, Young Life [aka, Christians with an Attitude], and had to change "Damn Yankees" to "Darn Yankees") The joys of middle america.

Well, no knitting. Just spewing about local issues. I did get the pattern for crumpets and cast on for that. I'm down about two inches on the bodice and am pretty happy about it. I know, I think I have adult ADD. Or maybe that's just an excuse to try and score some ritalin (joke!). I promise more knitting and less ranting.


Add-on: I volunteered to help at the polling station during our next voting day, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my mouth shut. Not to mention all the old ladies thought I was CRAZY because I'm under 60 and volunteering for such a job. Hey, maybe they'll let me take my knitting. I would definitely need to take a sock- for my mouth, ha, ha!


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