Well, it's been ages since my last post. I feel like a disappointment. When I started this thing just a mere month ago, I promised myself I would write every day. A lofty goal, I guess. Time to get back on track.
I have been reading. I just finished a book by Piers Paul Read called "Alice in Exile". It was very good. It's all about a modern woman at the turn of the (20th) century. It was somewhat predictable in spots, but overall good. I enjoy historical fiction and this had a lot of references to WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, as well as the very birth of the women's movement. Plus, it was from the bargain table at Barnes and Noble. That is my favorite place to find books. Also, they have an awesome sale after Christmas on the website where everything is even cheaper and you get free shipping on anything over $25. I got 10 books this year for $34!!! All right, enough of a plug for B & N, like they need it.
On the knitting side, I have yet to frog my poor sock. It's waiting for me so patiently while I have moved on to other things. The lacy tank is on hold. The yarn just isn't right. It's thinner than what's called for and I am not liking the look of the lace pattern with it. Not filled in enough in the spots that are supposed to be filled in. Plus, I was reading the instructions, and noticed that the size I was making would for sure not cover my monster boobs. ( yes, I have monster boobs. It is nice sometimes, but mostly not. When I buy clothes, the size that fits the boobs usually engulfs the rest of me and I can't wear a button shirt without the buttons wanting to burst open, even when it fits the boobs. I can sew, but I haven't figured out how to alter things for them. I know I could use darts, but that doesn't always suit the item I'm altering. Anyway, I know some would like the boobs. It just fits my theory that we always want what we don't have. And if we did have what we wanted, we wouldn't want it anymore anyways.) So the lacy tank is waiting for some new yarn, which doesn't work since I am now officially on a yarn diet. I swear! I only bought some yarn to finish something I already started, which doesn't count, and some other yarn which doesn't count cause I wasn't officially on my diet yet. (See how easily I rationalized that?
Scary, yo.) The extra yarn was
Sirdar's UpCountry DK. Nothing fancy or expensive, but a good basic yarn. I like Sirdar. They're kinda like a much nicer version of Lion brand. They have better quality, yet still inexpensive yarns as well as higher end yarns. Lion brand I think is getting a little out of control. Has anyone seen the new fall catalogue? $6.99 for 55 yards of a wool/acrylic blend? Are you crazy? Yes it is bulky weight, and yes I do really like it, but it took two skeins to make a scarf for a little girl. Good thing I have Jo-ann's coupons.
I didn't have a plan for the UpCountry, but then I got the new issue of
Vogue Knitting. First, did you see that jacket on the front? LOVE IT!! Even my husband, who won't even look happy while in the presence of my overflowing amounts of crafty gobbledegoop, said I should knit it!! That was a first! I don't know if I will, I'm still trying to track down the yarn, or an appropriate/less expensive substitute. Maybe... In the mean time I am working on this...

The Lace Wrap from the same issue. There are a ton of things in this issue that I would like to do. Lots of good traditional things, with some funk thrown in. Really, though I need to start looking towards Christmas knitting and sewing. So much to knit, so little time. And, as
Felicia puts it, my eyes knit faster than my hands.
Well, I've got to get mt butt clean and ready for work. Hopefully it won't be busy and I can knit!! Man, i've got a hard job.
Later, yo! Steff