Sunday, December 18, 2005

Save Me

Lately I feel I'm being assaulted. First of all, let me just get this out of the way, I am not christian or even remotely religious. I think god, in general, is an ego trip. We are all so important that we had to be especially made by some great being, and then, he, she, it (whatever) has nothing better to do but to tend to our everyday dramas(or undramas). Get over yourself. Now, you have every right to disagree with me. That is why we are individuals and have brains of our own, right? I don't go around trying to convince you that you are wrong and completely insane for your beliefs, do I? So why are you doing that to me? Why am I any crazier for not believing than you are for believing? If you believe in hell, and you believe you are not going to hell, why do you care if I am? And why do you think this makes me immoral? For the past few months someone at work has been searching for what her beliefs are, which is fine. I respect that. But she has decided 1) I am simply too young to actually know how I truly feel about the subject and 2) I need some savin'. The other day, she got one of her church groupies to ask me when I was going to church with them. When I replied "never" (which I agree may sound a bit abrasive and confrontational), my co-worker -- what the hell, she's my boss-- proceeded to make my feel demonized by telling this person(who is also a customer) that I don't believe. This was a hard position to put me in. I don't think it is an appropriate workplace discussion, especially not out in a store where many other customers can hear. I work commission sales and people always look at you different when they hear such things. (Which in itself is not right!) Then we get into this "happy holidays"vs"merry christmas" bullshit. As I said to her, christmas is not the only holiday this time of year. She says "As far as I'm concerned it is." Holy shit! Hasn't she ever heard of tolerance? So, of course I got my present wrapped in baby Jesus wrapping paper and I made sure to write "happy holidays" on her christmas card. Yes, we're petty.
Then I came home to check my messages and heard some automated crap about marriage being between one man and one woman. How did these idiots get my number? What ever happened to the melting pot (or stew, as I say) of the country? There was like 15 minutes in the 90's when we thought that everyone would be accepted for who they are and then everybody went back to being pea-brains. It makes me want to quit the country all together. But then "they" would win and the voice of rational thinking would slowly die out. I say fuck you! Marry who you want(or don't), think what you want, look how you want, that's what makes this place great! Be unique. Be you. And leave me the fuck alone.

*Sorry for the no knitting content, but I had to get that off my chest. Maybe I'll knit my fustration into a scarf to strangle the intolerant with.


Blogger carrym said...

Here, here! (or is it hear?) ;) I, too, am getting tired of the idea that there is only ONE holiday this season. We celebrate three of them in our household, but instead of being happy that Christmas is one of them (though, admittedly, not necessarily in the traditional way) some of my family likes to tell me how they are praying for me. Well, bully for them! :)

But I guess I'm lucky, nobody has left a message about marriage on my phone...

12:23 AM  

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