Friday, January 06, 2006

It's over... twenties that is. I have officially witnessed the death of my youth.* And what did I give myself for my birthday(Jan.3)? Brain damage. Actually, the brain damage was form New Year's, but I didn't feel normal until yesterday. Don't ask me what I was thinking because apparently, I wasn't. I am not normally a drinker, but I was at the "drunken irishman's" house next door and, I swear, I only had one (neverending) glass the entire night. Let's just say that if there had been a lampshade, I woulda been wearing it.

Because of the brain damage, there has been very little knitting progress. I have this ugly hat knit with the beautiful yarn from Insubordiknit that just keeps screaming to be frogged. I might just crank out the old ball winder and have a croak later today. It was one of those things that just, somehow, went terribly wrong. (proof that maybe I had brain damage before, since this seems to happen a lot) I am also working on "anniversary" socks for The Man. I did start these before our anniversary, but do you know how much longer man socks take than woman socks? I've finished the heel gusset and am starting on the instep of sock #1. At this rate, they might be done for our eleventh.

I do have a few resolutions to share-
1. Clean my house.
2. Keep house clean enough that I'm not embarrassed to have company.
3. Finish the majority of things that I start. (hey, I'll be happy with 51%, right now my average is about 13.4%)
4. Be better at life.

Okay, done with that. I have some sock pictures of the socks I knit for my Holiday Sox pal, but I want to get some pictures of the great socks I got from pal. Right now, though I need to get my butt in gear and go see my new nephew! He was born yesterday (Jan.5) around 7:30 and weighs 7 lbs., 4 oz. His name is Griffin. I can't wait.

*As much as I moan and groan about being thirty, it's really not a big deal. It's just one of those things baby, time keeps marching on. But that is not very dramatic. Having a funeral for my youth is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Birthday!

Let me guess, you look forward to the month of January every year right?

8:21 PM  

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