Friday, January 13, 2006

The Blah-blah-blah-blah-blahs...

Warning!!! Very rambling post about age, clothing that doesn't fit and not a lot of knitting.

I've got 'em. And a mighty bad case too. I'm not in the mood to knit, not in the mood to sew, not in the mood to read. I'm blaaaahhhhh. The only thing I want to do is go shopping and spend my mortgage money on clothes from Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch. I'm crazy. Maybe I'm trying to feel young??? I dunno. Cause I really didn't like anything they had, well, maybe a few things. But they are made for tiny little skeleton girls and cost $58 for a t-shirt!!! And have ya been in there lately? They pump this cologne through the air vents and blast this music on the stereo--- oh, my, I am getting old. Seriously, though, I think those kids will have a pretty good disability case when they can no longer hear what their teachers are saying. And the pain and suffering settlement they'll get because they can no longer smell when they need a bath so they will be ridiculed for the rest their lives! I can only imagine! Ha! And the jeans they wear today, oy! Talk about painted on. Did you know that there has been a rise in sciatic nerve problems in young adults because, I am NOT making this up!, they wear their jeans a size too small? Aaack. And I had to endure the "what's that old lady doing in here?" look. Three days after my birthday I got myself a pair of jeans from American Eagle. No time to try them on, so I grabbed my size and decided I'd try them once I got home. When did the proportion of the average woman change? The waist on these was HUGE while the thighs were itty-bitty.(FYI, I am built like a tree trunk. No small waists here.) So I went back to the store to exchange the jeans for a different cut. I wasn't sure how the cuts work, so I asked the salesfetus, I mean, salesgirl.
Me: "These jeans are big on my waist, but tight on my thighs. Do you have any with a wider cut leg?"
Fetus: "Maybe if you went up a size..."
Me "I can't. They are very big on my waist. What about the _____ cut jeans? Are they wider in the legs?"
Fetus: "Those are what we call 'mommy cut' jeans. They are higer on your waist. Maybe you would like them better."
Me: "Oh. Okay."
I didn't go any further with her because, 1) she didn't tell me anything about the cut of the leg and 2) she obviously thinks I need "mommy cut" jeans. Isn't that some sort of insult? Man, talk about mourning my youth...

So I did find a pair of jeans that fit and that I like. They are all beat up and stuff. We would have called them "ripped" but now they are called "destroyed". And, the legs are not tight. Yay!!! And I didn't have to go up a size, which I hate doing. I was trying to explain to The Man that I won't shop at certain places if I have to wear a size bigger that what I want to wear. Of course he didn't understand, he's a man. He says, "if store A sells you a pair of pants that fit in size 4, and store B sells you a pair in a size 6, but they both use the same amount of fabric, which ones will you buy?" The size 4, of course. I don't care if they theoretically have the same amount of fabric, one is smaller than the other! It says so on the label!!! Am I alone here, or do other people think the same way? They have to, otherwise companies wouldn't do that, would they? The little voice of reason says that he is right, but the little voice that was told to wear mommy jeans says "buy the 4!!!"

More signs that I am in a transition... I was at the neighbors' the other day when their 16 year old son and his friend were listening to music on the internet. I said "oh, you guys are in to The Cure?" Blank looks. "The Cure," I said expectantly. "Never heard of 'em" he replied. I said, "well that's them, right there." His reply, "well they must've cut it up and put it on a hip-hop album." No, no, no. They stole it. There was no cutting involved. It was like they were just playing the track right off the original CD without any changes at all!!! I was trying to be smooth though so I said, "I don't blame them, The Cure is pretty groovy." Ugghhh. Not the right words to say to a 16 year old boy. I got that same "what's that old lady doing in here" look I got at the mall. Man, I can't wait til my kids are teenagers-not. I'm sure I will be about 20 times dorkier by then.

Well, if anyone needs me, I'll be surfing the Abercrombie & Fitch website looking at the hot models, jamming out to my "Black-Eyed Peas" CD and wishing it was 1999.


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